The Navigation Bar And Features: Get The Most Out Of Your Virtual Experience
If you are using a mobile device this navigation bar will be accessible from a drop down at the top left of your screen.
Upon activating your account you will be prompted to answer a couple of questions to help us make relevant contact recommendations for you. The 'RECOMMENDED FOR YOU' tab is where you will find these recommended contacts.
Click 'show interest' on the attendee profiles of the people that you would like to connect with. This will send notifications to those people to make them aware of your interest to connect and will be added to your 'MY 'INTERESTED' LIST'. If the person you have shown interest in chooses to show interest in you too, you will form a connection, which will appear in your 'MY CONNECTIONS' tab. With mutual 'interest' established, you will be able to start chatting via an instant web messenger.
Click 'request a meeting' to schedule a meeting with your fellow attendees. For more information on how to schedule a meeting, click on the 'contents' menu above and navigate to the 'Common 'How To' Questions Addressed' section.
This tab allows you to see all of the people who have indicated their interest in connecting (i.e. clicked 'show interest' on your profile).
You will be presented with three options for you to select on peoples' profiles. 'Show interest', 'Request a meeting' or 'Skip'. Click 'show interest' if you would like to form a connection as explained above, and you will be able to start instant messaging right away. This contact will then appear in your 'MY CONNECTIONS' tab. If you click 'skip' this information will be fed back to the virtual platform which will learn accordingly, helping it to make more informed decisions on the connections it recommends for you, creating a better matchmaking experience. And if you click 'Request a meeting' you will be able to go ahead and schedule a meeting with that person at a time that suits you both.
Please refer to the 'RECOMMENDED FOR YOU' and 'INTERESTED IN YOU' information above explaining how to establish connections.
The 'MY CONNECTIONS' list will include the attendees who you have established mutual 'interest' with through clicking 'show interest' on each others' profiles. These are all of the people you are able to chat with via the instant messenger function.
Here you will find all of the people whose profile you have clicked 'show interest' on, but have not yet formed a connection with.
Your 'skip' list shows you all of the people you have indicated you are not interested in connecting with.
In order to attend any of the agenda sessions, it needs to be added to your schedule first - this is where you will navigate into and out of the live agenda sessions throughout the event. Add all of the sessions you're interested in adding to your schedule ahead of time, so that during the live event, you can easily jump straight out of one session and into the next session, without missing a thing. Your scheduled meetings will also appear here, so you have everything in one place. To add agenda sessions to your schedule, click on the 'EVENT AGENDA' tab and follow the instructions below.
Explore the full agenda, filter by conference track and/or date, and add the sessions of most interest to you to your personal schedule by clicking on the calendar icon on the right hand side of the agenda sessions. Please note, in order to attend any of the agenda sessions, you will need to add these to your schedule first.
You will only be able to view the agenda and add sessions to your schedule on the days for which you have registered to attend.
Take part in live Q&As within the agenda sessions by clicking on Q&A on the right hand side, clicking the '+' icon at the bottom of that section, and entering your questions, followed by your name and company, into the Q&A box provided. And, upvote other attendee's questions by clicking on the thumbs-up icon to indicate your interest in this question being answered.
Visit the 'SPONSORS & EXHIBITORS' virtual hub profiles to gather valuable information from leading product and service providers. 'Show interest' in these company profiles to let them know you would like to know more about their solutions, and browse their profiles for a summary of their main offerings.
View all of the sponsor and exhibitor representatives who are attending throughout the week and reach out for meetings to find out more about how they're products and services can support you and your team.
Visit the 'SCIENTIFIC POSTERS' tab to view the latest scientific research presented by your industry peers. 'Show interest' in these posters to let the poster presenter know that you would like to know more about the research. You will also be able to download the poster PDF.
Information regarding the access to on-demand content will be found by clicking on this tab. All content will be made available following the live event (after Thursday, October 29) for 30 days. *Excluding sessions limited to live viewings only. Subject to speaker permissions.
The FAQs tab will take you to our virtual event frequently asked questions page.
If you have any general event queries that you can't find the answer to on our FAQs page, or if you need any technical support, you will be able to find the relevant contact information here.