The first on SCRSFs was one of our most viewed e-books highlighting the interest in the topic. We are pleased to present our second title SCRSFs – Next Generation fertilizers and global challenges.
In this edition, we look at how SCRSF technology can provide solutions for some of the pressing global challenges, such as increasing nutrient use efficiency while maintaining yields for a growing population, all while trying to reduce emissions. Some of these challenges are more immediate, such as food and fertilizer price inflation. SCRSFs can help growers maximise their returns from inputs. We have an in-depth interview with Jeff Ivan of Soilgenic Technologies, LLC, a company focused on climate smart technologies for agriculture. Soilgenic has developed a suite of Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer (EEF) Technologies for all nitrogen fertilizers as well as a technology to improve phosphate fertilizer availability. BASF provide detailed reasons why stabilised fertilizers can help to reach the EU’s environmental targets on emissions reduction. We hear from Gregor Pasda, Global Technical Marketing - Nitrogen Management, on how farmers also benefit in terms of crop yields. Underpinning the success of the SCRSF segment are field trials. ICL presents results from various trials on their coated fertilizers, showing that yields can be maintained using lower application rates. Ronald Clemens, ICL Global Marketing & Portfolio Manager CRF argues farmers need to reach for innovative solutions to maintain yield with less fertilizer use, another EU target. We also hear from SynTech and some trials they are performing on CFRs in two locations. Innovation will be the lifeblood of SCRSFs, and in a Q&A with the IFDC, we hear the latest on the Next Gen Fertilizer Challenge competition that has entered its greenhouse trial stage. We hope you enjoy this e-book, and if you would like to participate in one of our publications, please get in contact.
Luke Hutson Editor-in-Chief New AG International