Zephyr-PSN Periodic Table
Zephyr’s periodic table of investment returns driven by PSN shows why trying to time the market and chase returns is not a winning strategy and why creating a diversified asset allocation is so important.
The periodic table of investment returns is a great resource to display calendar year returns for specific asset classes ranked from best to worst. It provides a great visual of how the performance of each asset class fluctuates from one year to the next. This fluctuation in annual performance proves how difficult it is to predict the best performing asset classes over time. For example, the below periodic table shows the returns of nine different equity asset classes, represented by PSN equity indexes.
The top performing PSN index in 2023 was the Large Growth index (+36.34%), however, six other indexes outperformed the PSN Large Growth index in 2022. Furthermore, your clients may have been a little upset if you placed an overweight allocation to the small cap value asset class in 2017 based on it being the best performing asst class in 2016 (PSN Small Value index).
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