We have a good idea of how equity factors behave in drawdowns and recoveries, but applying this knowledge to portfolio construction is no simple matter. It is very difficult to time the market from peak to trough and trough to recovery, especially with any consistency.
Equity style factors are used most successfully in combination, in a long-term investment plan that captures the potential of all of them. Investors can achieve their investment objectives in a variety of market environments, through opportunistic or strategic exposures to the factors.
Allocations to low volatility, dividend yield and quality factors tend to offer more protection and can be used to position a more defensive portfolio. On the other hand, investors who have a bullish outlook might favour allocations to the value and size factors, which have greater potential for upside participation after a market trough.
But markets can be unpredictable and volatile, especially in the short term. Accordingly, combining multiple style factors will not only add diversification to an investment portfolio but also offer more stable returns over the long term, regardless of what the market is doing.